
Archive for December, 2010

"Now when the child of morning, rosy-fingered Dawn, appeared, Julie
rose and dressed herself. She tied her shoes on to her comely feet,
girded her purse about her shoulder, and left her house looking like
an immortal goddess." - Homer, The Odyssey, Book II, sort of.
Dawn's Rosy Fingers

Dawn's Rosy Fingers

Well most of that is true – I confess my feet aren’t comely.

Every once-in-awhile the morning sky is particularly magnificant, like this picture of the sky on Nov 29 (thanks Margaret).

This is the kind of sky that always brings to mind Homer’s “rosy-fingered dawn”.  Watching the coming of the dawn is one of the nice things about November and December.  I love the color changes as the sun rises, particularly that narrow, short lived horizontal band of green  you can see on a clear, crisp morning.

Lately, however, my morning drive to campus contains a companion in the sky to the East.  Venus morning star.  It follows me to work and then sits over Kanley Chapel for a short while.

Star light; Star bright; First star I see ..

Venus and Jupiter

Sometimes Jupiter hangs around too, but not lately. Look for Jupiter by the moon.

(The picture is from NASA)



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